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Strange Worlds

Near & Far

Collection of short
Science Fiction
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Wormhole to War

Scifi Novel
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"Jim Glass knows how to tell a story. His... novel, Sedona Conspiracy, is a thriller that grabs you from the start and keeps you turning the pages. Another first-rate tale..."


— Steve Perry

My Books
My Books
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My Story

Jim read and wrote science fiction as a kid and published a fanzine while in high school, but then came college, a degree in physics and starting a family while working on ion and arc-jet engines at Rocketdyne.


Graduate school followed, and a thirty five year career as a professor of physics, department head and dean at North Dakota State University and Eastern Washington University. The writing during this time was seventy five technical papers on his research in molecular biophysics and superconductivity. But the fiction writing bug bit hard again when Jim was well into his forties.


His first published story was in Aboriginal S.F. and soon after he won the 1990 grand prize in the Writers of the Future Contest. He retired from his academic job in 1999 and now writes full time. 

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